Lionel Laurent hos Bloomberg:
»It’s not very surprising that Mark Zuckerberg’s state-visit-style trip to Brussels got a pretty chilly reception from European Union officials. The Facebook Inc. co-founder is pleading for more regulation to solve what he and his top lobbyist Nick Clegg consider to be a failure of public policy: If only governments could agree on how to regulate the internet without curbing free expression, the social network would be only too happy to comply.
This analysis is not new, and entirely misdiagnoses the problem in the Europeans’ view: It is Facebook’s business model, which hoovers up billions of users’ intimate thoughts and behavior patterns to better target ads, which is the issue. And it’s one that the social network would prefer just to tinker with at the margins, given the costs involved.«
Att tro att politiken kan eller vill reglera internet utan att inskränka yttrandefriheten känns en smula naivt.
Sedan kan man fundera över om någon egentligen företräder användarnas intressen i sammanhanget. Men så brukar det ju vara: Politik och »stakeholders« gör upp utan att lyssna till vad vanligt folk tycker.