EU vill att alla medborgares elektroniska kommunikation skall övervakas och analyseras i kampen mot barnpornografi – även om det inte finns någon misstanke.
Ledamoten av Europaparlamentet Patrick Breyer (PP, DE) skriver i ett pressmeddelande:
»Cens-Ursula von der Leyen is attacking security and privacy on the net, instead of focusing on the real failures in protecting children, for example in the areas of insufficient prevention of child abuse, insufficient funding of therapy services or overburdened prosecutors. To allow corporations like Facebook to intercept and screen the content of all our private communications without any suspicion and across the board is absolutely ineffective for investigating the channels used by organized crime, but it does threaten the privacy and security of Internet communications of millions of innocent citizens and is unlikely to withstand judicial challenges. Imagine that the postal service would open all letters in search of forbidden content. We will not accept that Cens-Ursula sets up digital black cabinets!«
Not: Ursula von der Leyen fick öknamnet Zensursula i Tyskland i samband med att hon. drev igenom den kritiserade NetzDG-lagen.
Länk: Patrick Breyers pressmeddelande »
Se även: EU vill se övervakning, granskning och analys av alla elektroniska meddelanden »