Uppenbarligen är den danska regeringen lika skamlös som den svenska när det gäller datalagring. EDRi rapporterar…
»In March 2017, in the aftermath of the Tele2 judgment, the Danish Minister of Justice informed the Parliament that it was necessary to amend the Danish data retention law. However, when it comes to illegal data retention, the political willingness to uphold the rule of law seems to be low – every year the revision is postponed by the Danish government with consent from Parliament, citing various formal excuses. Currently, the Danish government is officially hoping that the CJEU will revise the jurisprudence of the Tele2 judgment in the new data retention cases from Belgium, France and the United Kingdom which are expected to be decided in May 2020. This latest postponement, announced on 1 October 2019, barely caught any media attention.«
Inte nog med att man struntar i EU-domstolen:
»However, data retention has been almost constantly in the news for other reasons since 17 June 2019 when it was revealed to the public that flawed electronic communications data had been used as evidence in up to 10000 police investigations and criminal trials since 2012. Quickly dubbed the “telecommunications data scandal” by the media, the ramifications of the case have revealed severely inadequate data management practices by the Danish police for almost ten years. This is obviously very concerning for the functioning of the criminal justice system and the right to a fair trial, but also rather surprising in light of the consistent official position of the Danish police that access to telecommunications data is a crucial tool for investigation of criminal offences. The mismatch between the public claims of access to telecommunications data being crucial, and the attention devoted to proper data management, could hardly be any bigger.«
Läs hela historien här » Danish data retention: Back to normal after major crisis »