EU:s ministerråd vill gärna se ett nytt datalagringsdirektiv, efter det som ogiltigförklarats av EU-domstolen. Den avgående EU-kommissionen har inte velat röra datalagringen. Så nu är frågan vad den nya EU-kommissionen kommer att göra.
I väntan på besked skriver 30 europeiska organisationer för nätfrihet och digitala rättigheter brev till EU-kommissionen. Ur innehållet…
While the concept of blanket data retention appeals to law enforcement agencies, it has never been shown that the indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data of over 500 million Europeans was necessary, proportionate or even effective.
Blanket data retention is an invasive surveillance measure of the entire population. This can entail the collection of sensitive information about social contacts (including business contacts), movements and private lives (e.g. contacts with physicians, lawyers, workers councils, psychologists, helplines, etc.) of hundreds of millions of Europeans, in the absence of any suspicion. Telecommunications data retention undermines professional confidentiality and deters citizens from making confidential communications via electronic communication networks. The retained data is also of high interest for criminal organisations and unauthorized state actors from all over the world. Several successful data breaches have been documented. Blanket data retention also undermines the protection of journalistic sources and thus compromises the freedom of the press. Overall, it damages preconditions of open and democratic societies.
Brevet mynnar sedan ut i ett önskemål om en grundlig utvärdering av datalagringen – inte minst ur ett medborgarrättsligt perspektiv – innan man går vidare.
Läs hela brevet här: Civil society calls for a proper assessment of data retention »