Vi skall vara rätt tacksamma för att vi lever i ett uppkopplat samhälle när Corona-krisen slår till.
Det gäller inte bara distansarbete och att hålla kontakt. Just nu är ett fritt och öppet internet av stor betydelse för den forskning som skall bekämpa pandemin:
»Today researchers collaborating across several organizations released the Covid-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), which includes over 24,000 research papers from peer-reviewed journals as well as sources like bioRxiv and medRxiv (websites where scientists can post non-peer-reviewed preprint papers). The research covers SARS-CoV-2 (the scientific name for the coronavirus), Covid-19 (the scientific name for the disease), and the coronavirus group. It represents the most extensive collection of scientific literature related to the ongoing pandemic and will continue to update in real time as more research is released.«
Länk: Over 24,000 coronavirus research papers are now available in one place »
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